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  • Comments on Profile Post by AliensCreatedUs

    1. daesang
      Why 30 days? Are you going somewhere ;c
      Jul 21, 2016
      AliensCreatedUs likes this.
    2. AliensCreatedUs
      Randomninja banned me... for accidentally saying her name, randomly, in chat. First time ive ever been banned, and what a GREAT time to banned too huh? -_-
      Jul 22, 2016
    3. daesang
      Aww, that's unfortunate, specially with the timing :( Anything I can do to help you, like ing?
      Jul 22, 2016
      AliensCreatedUs likes this.
    4. AliensCreatedUs
      Timing, and punishment, both terrible.

      Nothing you can do, my fac will end up disbanding and ill be a month behind everyone. Thank you tho, unless you can change her mind to reverse the ban, nothing you can do. Love ya
      Jul 23, 2016
    5. daesang
      I don't think I can really do anything about the ban, but I'm sure your faction won't disband because of all your members. But I'm reallyyy sorry because there's nothing I can really do to help ;c And I'll miss ya too <3
      Jul 23, 2016
      AliensCreatedUs likes this.
    6. AliensCreatedUs
      I have like 20 random people. 30 day ban means I get auto kicked from the server.... this is with officers who have no perms to kick bad people. SO, if the fac doesnt disband in days from no one able to be in charge, then it will in 30 when im auto disbanded from being offline.
      Jul 24, 2016
    7. daesang
      I thought once the leader was kicked it passed down to the next highest ranking person. At least last map (at the very start) once our leader was inactive for thirty days, it got passed down to me who was an officer who had been in the faction the longest.
      Jul 24, 2016
      AliensCreatedUs likes this.
    8. AliensCreatedUs
      Yes, but not one of my officers knows how to handle my fac, I didnt promote them lol. I was bare on like 2 hours after reset before getting banned :/
      Jul 25, 2016
    9. daesang
      Oh.. This is such a bad situation :/ Well, I got insided today so I'm not doing too well either xD
      Jul 25, 2016
      AliensCreatedUs likes this.
    10. AliensCreatedUs
      It sucks so bad not being able to play. Makes no difference tho.
      Jul 26, 2016
    11. AliensCreatedUs
      @Nemo gives random congrats tho still.
      Jul 26, 2016
    12. daesang
      How much time you got left?
      Jul 27, 2016
      AliensCreatedUs likes this.
    13. AliensCreatedUs
      idk, 22 days or something lol
      Jul 28, 2016
    14. daesang
      Rip x.x
      Jul 28, 2016
      AliensCreatedUs likes this.