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  • Comments on Profile Post by Alisha Jade

    1. Chain
      Your such a noob.
      Jul 19, 2016
    2. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      STOP IT
      Jul 19, 2016
    3. Redman333
      Your write, I hate it two!
      Jul 19, 2016
      Alisha Jade likes this.
    4. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      u guys make me wanna kms...
      Jul 20, 2016
    5. MrJewishDonut
      Your really smart and thanks for letting me know and handing me YOU'RE L.
      Jul 22, 2016
    6. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      but ur the reason L exists
      Jul 22, 2016
    7. MrJewishDonut
      This is why I no longer love you...
      Jul 22, 2016
    8. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      I never loved you back anyways.
      Jul 22, 2016
    9. MrJewishDonut
      Liar. You loved the way I lie. :>
      Jul 22, 2016
    10. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      Look at my pfp and sing the song urself. All I need to say.
      Jul 22, 2016