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  • Comments on Profile Post by MrFishlips

    1. Chain
      Never go first.
      Jul 19, 2016
    2. MrFishlips
      I was buying alts. I had to go first :p
      Jul 19, 2016
    3. Chain
      No you didn't.
      Jul 19, 2016
    4. MrFishlips
      She said go first or no deal, I guess I just fell for the trap. It was my first time anyways, so I guess I deserved to be scammed .-.
      Jul 19, 2016
    5. Chain
      Nah, just go with no deal next time.
      Jul 19, 2016
    6. MrFishlips
      Okay, thanks for the tips lmao
      Jul 19, 2016
    7. sircorgi
      One time on another server, this guy scammed me via skype, and started saying all this crap about the server, and claims he was the guy who ddosed it and showed proof. Little did he know that I was recording the whole thing, lmfao
      Jul 19, 2016
    8. MrFishlips
      Woah, that sucks.
      Jul 19, 2016
    9. sircorgi
      Actually, it was really funny. The stuff in the trade was stuff I got from a drop party, so no effort was put into it besides jumping around like a mad man, and I added the owner of the server (We were acquaintances)
      Jul 19, 2016
    10. MrFishlips
      Oh, that's good then :p
      Jul 19, 2016
    11. sircorgi
      ye but then the server got ddosed again and closed
      Jul 20, 2016