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  • Comments on Profile Post by Random

    1. Ruminisque
      That is an awesome! I love philosophy! I also love logic! What languages do you know? What is your GPA?
      Jul 18, 2016
    2. Random
      I am a math/science person lol. Philosophy is not my thing. I can only speak english and some spanish (took it for 3 years). Do you want my college or high school gpa?
      Jul 18, 2016
    3. Ruminisque
      Oh that's cool. I like math too. I want your high school GPA please.
      Jul 18, 2016
    4. Random
      Jul 18, 2016
    5. Ruminisque
      That's pretty good!
      Jul 18, 2016
    6. Random
      Thanks :P
      Jul 18, 2016
    7. Ruminisque
      I was just insulted because my grammar is too good.
      Jul 18, 2016
    8. Random
      Jul 18, 2016
    9. Ruminisque
      I don't use bad grammar, so someone just said I am embarrassing myself by doing that.
      Jul 18, 2016
    10. Random
      I don't think you are. I don't always use it. If that is your thing though, then more power to you.
      Jul 18, 2016
    11. Ruminisque
      I try and show people that I have the maturity to control and watch what I type; instead of furiously posting things full of errors and flaws.
      Jul 18, 2016
    12. Random
      Well, using correct grammar isn't the only way to show you are mature. I do not always use correct grammar, but that does not mean people view me as immature.
      Jul 18, 2016
    13. Ruminisque
      You'll notice that I did not say that you were immature just because you sometimes have grammatical flaws. I meant to point out the fact that I use correct grammar as one of the many ways to show maturity. Sorry if I sounded like a jerk.
      Jul 18, 2016
    14. Random
      No, I didn't take it that way. I am just saying there are other ways to show you are mature. How old are you, if I may ask?
      Jul 18, 2016
    15. Ruminisque
      I am 16. And I know you didn't take it that way I just wanted to point that out just in case.
      Jul 18, 2016
    16. Chain
      Using correct grammar doesn't show maturity, it shows that you have the patience to use the English language properly.
      Jul 18, 2016
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