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  • Comments on Profile Post by ChloyyBear

    1. Yin
      I'd say mine, but they're a bit dirty.
      Jul 20, 2014
    2. ChloyyBear
      I don't mind as long as it's not H.
      Jul 20, 2014
    3. XOXO
      No romance in this buy it has horror: Tokyo Ghoul
      Jul 20, 2014
    4. BioNarix
      Which ones have you seen so far? i might know a few . . .
      Jul 20, 2014
    5. ChloyyBear
      Ok I'll check it out XOXO, seems legit. Oh, and BioNarix, I'm having a mind blank right now so the only one I can think of at the moment is "Dusk Maiden of amnesia"
      Jul 20, 2014
    6. ChloyyBear
      But Just naming any you can think of would be helpful
      Jul 20, 2014
    7. BioNarix
      ahh I love "dusk maiden of amnesia" :D
      "Another" is in it's own way horror, but i don't think it has any romance in it. It's been so long since i've seen it.
      "Gosick" is a crime show with a bit of fantasy in it, but it's sorta romance-y, nothing R-rated. Not sure if you would consider it horror though.
      "Yamishibai" is a collection of japanese ghost stories if you want something that's designed to scare.
      Jul 20, 2014