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  • Comments on Profile Post by Random

    1. longed
      my mom has to teach summer school :P
      Jul 11, 2016
      Random likes this.
    2. trinityy
      Be a ninja and bust out!
      Jul 11, 2016
      Random likes this.
    3. StrKillr
      Jul 11, 2016
      Random likes this.
    4. Random
      Lol @StrKillr that is me! I was falling asleep the other day. Gotta love summer school.
      Jul 11, 2016
    5. longed
      put your phone in your calculator case and just go on your phone
      Jul 11, 2016
    6. Random
      It's Intro to Philosophy lol. I mean on the bright side it is a college class so it isn't too bad.
      Jul 11, 2016