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  • Comments on Profile Post by Lithiium

    1. Random
      Of course I remember you! I remember talking to you about becoming moderator so much lol
      Jul 8, 2016
    2. Lithiium
      Yeah... I never became one so busy with life I have no time to do anything anymore.
      Jul 8, 2016
    3. Lithiium
      Also my computer broke so I will never be in game again
      Jul 8, 2016
    4. Random
      Trust me, I know busy. I am taking a summer course at the college to graduate highschool core complete. I still have to somehow make time though :P Wouldn't trade it for anything.
      Jul 8, 2016
      Lithiium likes this.
    5. Random
      Never? :(
      Jul 8, 2016
    6. Lithiium
      Yup never :(
      Jul 8, 2016
    7. Random
      You were my first friend on mineverse :(
      Jul 8, 2016
    8. Lithiium
      Ik ;-: we made some great memories you helped me stop hacking and you kept me running for moderator up until I quit but sadly my computer broke and my parents won't let me install mine craft on the one other computer that it will actually work on
      Jul 8, 2016
    9. Random
      Aw :(
      Jul 8, 2016