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  • Comments on Profile Post by iCPandas

    1. ParanormalPizza
      How long are you muted for?
      Jul 7, 2016
    2. iCPandas
      Idk lol, never told me. I've been muted for a long time.
      Jul 7, 2016
    3. ParanormalPizza
      Probably because of your name. If you want to be unmuted, change your name to something kid-friendly
      Jul 7, 2016
    4. iCPandas
      ...Looks like I'm staying muted then, Thank you though...
      Jul 7, 2016
    5. Dyna_Mighty
      The name here on forums needs changing as well. And the rules for inappropriate names have changed. Its no longer a mute, if seen on the server, you will be lobby banned for it.
      Jul 7, 2016