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  • Comments on Profile Post by ParanormalPizza

    1. Surge
      Sorry about the infection hackers alot of people were acussing but they were "toggling" the whole time.
      Jul 7, 2016
    2. Chain
      Infection is full of togglers.
      Jul 7, 2016
    3. ParanormalPizza
      you quit after like 3 rounds?
      Jul 7, 2016
    4. Chain
      Nah I continue playing, where possible I try to record. It shouldn't be a problem once I reach p3, fire aspect ;)
      Jul 7, 2016
    5. Surge
      I was requested to go on to Skywars because of someone spamming and advertising once i did that job i got kicked off :/
      Jul 7, 2016