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  • Comments on Profile Post by BrokenSoapx

    1. BrokenSoapx
      Do you know if trading skyblock items for mine verse items is illegal or not? You said you wanted a rank. I can try trading skyblock items for a MV rank here for you
      Jul 6, 2016
    2. baile y
      baile y
      I think it is possible. I'll PM a mod. Thanks for thinking about me :)
      Jul 9, 2016
      BrokenSoapx likes this.
    3. baile y
      baile y
      Its allowed.
      Jul 9, 2016
      BrokenSoapx likes this.
    4. BrokenSoapx
      Okay :) sorry. I don't play mv much so I don't know what the donor ranks are cx. Can you tell me what's the lowest donor rank's price. I don't have much on sky block yet cx but I can get more easily
      Jul 10, 2016
    5. baile y
      baile y
      Jul 10, 2016
      BrokenSoapx likes this.
    6. BrokenSoapx
      Ah. She can probably get premium, I can upgrade you to sponsor, I believe :)
      Jul 11, 2016
      baile y likes this.
    7. baile y
      baile y
      Awesome!! She has gotten me Premium, (THANK YOU @NoMoreSadness (Trinazoid) :D) I will be willing to give u IG stuff for it just btw :)
      Jul 11, 2016
    8. BrokenSoapx
      No I don't want anything cx Let me just check if I could get an upgrade from someone. The wifi around here isn't very great, Ill probably have good wifi in a few days cx sorry ;-;
      Jul 12, 2016
    9. baile y
      baile y
      No, its all good! You are the one doing something FOR me, I shouldn't (and am not) be annoyed at you! You are doing me a great favor :)
      Jul 12, 2016
      BrokenSoapx likes this.
    10. follow me
      follow me
      Jul 12, 2016
      BrokenSoapx likes this.
    11. BrokenSoapx
      :) thanks. Sorry about that though. I'll still find other ways to annoy you =^.^=

      Jul 13, 2016
      baile y likes this.
    12. follow me
      follow me
      No Comment
      Jul 13, 2016
      BrokenSoapx likes this.
    13. BrokenSoapx
      That... Was a comment? :)
      Jul 13, 2016