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  • Comments on Profile Post by Scorv

    1. Chain
      I'm going to make a wild guess and say it's because he argued/disrespected a member of staff.
      Jul 5, 2016
    2. Scorv
      Oh, wonder how long the ban will be.
      It's seems these days mods are "ban happy"
      Jul 5, 2016
    3. Delusionous
      Lmao. What else would he be banned for?
      Jul 6, 2016
    4. GizzBots
      Wasn't for that lmao. It was for dissing this ignorant 12 Yr old above me.
      Jul 6, 2016
    5. Delusionous
      I hope you enjoyed your ban because I sure did <3
      Jul 7, 2016
    6. GizzBots
      no one cares bro you're just some dk randie who isn't doing himself a favour. When I was a scrub, fresh to the forums I did the same thing as you and got hated on.
      Jul 7, 2016
    7. GizzBots
      Don't do the same thing. It won't end well. I still have haters but Idgaf. Now get off my wall and go idk, do whatever 12 yr olds do? Musical.ly?
      Jul 7, 2016
    8. Delusionous
      I'm not new to forums, I was once apart of another servers community so I think I can handle myself. The only hater I really have is you. You're trying to tell me to stop sticking up for staff? lol right, maybe if you actually stopped hating on the staff people might actually start to like you :).
      Jul 7, 2016
    9. Delusionous
      I also find it kinda pathetic that you're using my age against me, it's funny that you're 4 years, you would think that you would be more mature considering your age, I guess not.
      Jul 7, 2016
    10. GizzBots
      Firstly, I don't hate you lmao you just persist to keep posting on my 'things', secondly, I don't hate the staff, they don't need 'sticking up for' and they never will. I was once apart of that team, I am aware that they are fine with criticism. Thirdly, certain people hate me - Not everyone. I have my fair share of friends on here, and I log onto MV on most servers to be welcomed + greeted.
      Jul 7, 2016
    11. GizzBots
      I don't care what you find pathetic, I really don't. Doesn't concern me. Trust me, if I hated you, you'd know it. The only reason I used age is because you came up with something to annoy me that certainly backfired considering your age. Now as I've said, get off my profile before it occurs forcibly.
      Jul 7, 2016