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  • Comments on Profile Post by Calli

    1. Dyna_Mighty
      Have you been doing any celebrating today? On Saturday we went to a fireworks/laser show. Today we have just been hanging out in the house because its so HOT!
      Jul 4, 2016
      Maxamul likes this.
    2. Maxamul
      Ikr, 94 degrees where I live
      Jul 4, 2016
    3. Calli
      I'm somewhere upstate from New York, and it's extremely hot. We're planning to buy fireworks and stay up all night making smores!
      Jul 4, 2016
    4. Titanicguy
      How's the weather guys?
      Very cloudy,cool,and rainy here
      With a chance of firework smoke clouds
      Jul 4, 2016