Thank you, I know I wasn't hacking. There was a guy clearly behind him from the video because there was a bow shot from behind, and I did not aim at him, if I did had aim bot my head would jot back and forth from player to player. I will try my best with the Appeal.
Wish me Luck.
Anyway, The staff was on forums, and did not check it... So I decided to "Bump" It... I didn't know it was agents the rules to Bump your appeal, I just did it because no one was checking it... So she Deleted my Appeal for Bumping it.
Now idk what to do .-.
And if you can do anything, please do
She? The person who banned you was a he. And they can't close it due to a bump. Unless they changed it into a rule. Just message a head mod about this, and get this cleared up. It's seems the staff team has been plagued with laziness.
I'm not sure. When I was mod, I handled my appeals asap. So this never happened to me. Try messaging a head mod. They'll clear it up. But don't make a new one until it's cleared up.
So! I did Pm Pile and stuff. But then! Smiley Replied and decided to forget about the Bump, and she said something how I jumped 2 blocks while aiming a bow, now I have to explain that I shot, jumped then aimed quickly at the same time and stuff.
Questionnnnn, Ok! So what if you reported someone, and staff said that "ThePlayer has been Banned". But, what if the Player actually didn't get banned in that gamemode, when staff said they did. What would you do?
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