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  • Comments on Profile Post by Surge

    1. Ordi
      And a great mod on forums? :)
      Jul 3, 2016
    2. Surge
      Nah im a noob.
      Jul 3, 2016
    3. Ordi
      Jul 3, 2016
    4. Clones5
      Aka the most active mod on the forums.
      Jul 3, 2016
      Ordi likes this.
    5. Surge
      xD funny joke. Everyones just on 4th of july holidays and others just on holidays i am on a holiday right now im driving home its like a 6 hour drive, Right now its 10:41pm xD another hour and ill be home.
      Jul 3, 2016
    6. Clones5
      I'm playing my second game in the state tournament for baseball tomorrow against the team that beat us and won the region. We won 10-0 yesterday.
      Jul 3, 2016
    7. Surge
      Good luck! Hopefully you can come home with a big fat trophy :)
      Jul 3, 2016
      Clones5 likes this.
    8. Clones5
      They said we were harder than all of the teams they faced in regionals, so when we win states we're assuming Florida for the world series
      Jul 3, 2016
      Ordi likes this.
    9. Ordi
      That's awesome ShrektingPro! Wish you good luck, and I think the hole server would if they knew about this!
      Jul 3, 2016
      Clones5 likes this.