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  • Comments on Profile Post by Masterenderwolf

    1. Ertuiop
      Ye we want to hack without getting banned
      Jun 30, 2016
    2. Chain
      I can't wait for it to get back up.
      Jun 30, 2016
    3. Masterenderwolf
      It's been ages since they said it was coming back soon. I'm starting to doubt the return of minetime.
      Jul 1, 2016
    4. Teddy
      I think they're trying to unblacklist it?
      Jul 1, 2016
    5. Masterenderwolf
      They said that ages back but there's still no update or advancement of Minetime coming back...
      Jul 1, 2016
    6. Surge
      @Masterenderwolf The requirements to get off the blacklist are tough and its a long list, You sadly just got to wait but i assure you noobcrew would not buy minetime if he was just going to use it as a dead server.
      Jul 3, 2016
      SnakeVenomPvP likes this.
    7. Masterenderwolf
      Well the hope of the server coming back for Minetime is starting to die off throughout the Minetime community we haven't even had a status update on Minetime from the new owners about what's going on the least they could do is quickly make a thread because sooner or later the community is just gonna give up...
      Jul 7, 2016