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  • Comments on Profile Post by MrFishlips

    1. Maxamul
      Well I guess that's true... how can we know what something is like without being one? That's like calling Hispanics ignorant because they don't know what it's like to be a Caucasian...
      Jun 29, 2016
    2. Maxamul
      Of course we don't know what it's like, because we aren't LGBT+
      Jun 29, 2016
    3. MrFishlips
      No, it's just all the things people say. And I guess you're right, but people just don't get it.
      Jun 29, 2016
    4. Maxamul
      Of course we don't, but you call people ignorant for things that are impossible for us to go through
      Jun 29, 2016
    5. MrFishlips
      That is true, but i'm talking about the haters out there who don't understand. I'm not meaning to those who accept/ don't care. Sorry, I should've pointed that out before.
      Jun 29, 2016
    6. Maxamul
      I got what you're trying to say, but you might want to word that better lol
      Jun 29, 2016
    7. MrFishlips
      Yeah, I'll fix it lol.
      Jun 29, 2016
    8. Camel_EXE
      ITS Not thAT THey Dont ACcEPT It They jUST DoNT Care TbH @Herf
      Jun 29, 2016
    9. Herf
      why was I tagged? stop trying to make me look bad.
      Jun 29, 2016
    10. MrFishlips
      A lot of people don't like LGBT+. Trust me, there's hate.
      Jun 29, 2016
    11. Camel_EXE
      you told me to write that hello?
      Jun 29, 2016