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  • Comments on Profile Post by Kyaaaal

    1. Chain
      What lol?
      Jun 26, 2016
    2. Kyaaaal
      Jun 26, 2016
    3. Chain
      "remaining the in EU" , congratulations. ;D
      Jun 26, 2016
    4. Kyaaaal
      Just gotta wait a couple of years.

      United Ireland?
      Jun 26, 2016
    5. Chain
      Some people are talking about that :P because most of Northern Ireland wanted to remain in the EU.
      Jun 26, 2016
    6. Kyaaaal
      Heard it on the news and Facebook. Not overly sure what will go down.
      Jun 26, 2016
    7. Chain
      There will probably be a referendum on it. If it happens then the hopes and dreams of thousands of Irish people through the century will be fulfilled lol.
      Jun 26, 2016
    8. Kyaaaal
      What are your thoughts?

      Scotland will be having another independence one in a few years, so we will be joining the EU as well.
      Jun 26, 2016
    9. Chain
      A few years or months?

      I'd be happy to see a united Ireland, and it'd also prove Michael Collins was right to sign the Anglo-Irish Treaty on the 6th of December 1921 which gave Ireland all but 6 counties. He said it was a step to getting the whole of Ireland back and if it were to be re-united then he was right.
      Jun 26, 2016
    10. Kyaaaal
      I'm not sure, but it's rumoured to be "2 years". I don't think there is anything official yet though, plus most would like to see it be done now.

      There are also votes, with over 2 million signatures for a re-vote on the EU referendum. People are not very smart and "voted the wrong thing". Their minds were changed after it had happened.
      Jun 26, 2016
    11. Chain
      Yeah, there wasn't any real reason for Scotland to leave Britain before Brexit was there? It was more of a "personal" type of thing. Or was it?
      Jun 26, 2016
    12. Kyaaaal
      Well, the only reason we actually never went independent was because it was said that if we stayed with England, we would remain in the EU and if we left, then we would have to leave the EU. Now, they've decided to leave the EU anyway.
      Jun 26, 2016
    13. Kyaaaal
      So Scotland are now looking at becoming independent and further joining the EU again. We will drop the Sterling Pound and take on the Euro, but this will most likely still turn out to be a good thing, I hope.
      Jun 26, 2016
    14. bare
      anyone want maple syrup
      Jun 26, 2016
      Quad likes this.
    15. Chain
      I want chocolate sauce please. With fries and coffee on the side.
      Jun 26, 2016
    16. Kyaaaal
      Haggis, neeps and tatties please!
      Jun 26, 2016