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  • Comments on Profile Post by Alisha Jade

    1. Chain
      Why were you banned? My guess is death threats.
      Jun 26, 2016
    2. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      yh I said kys lMaO, is it so obv that id say that to someone
      Jun 26, 2016
    3. Shireen
      I love spain
      Jun 26, 2016
      Alisha Jade likes this.
    4. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      you should love me because im spanish. lol jk
      Jun 26, 2016
    5. Shireen
      Jun 26, 2016
      Alisha Jade likes this.
    6. Suchtryhard
      Because you thought you'll become scarier by saying kys?
      Jun 26, 2016
    7. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      not really, i was joking towards another friend of mine, but another guy i know reported me for it lol.
      Jun 26, 2016
    8. Suchtryhard
      It hurts to be backstabbed
      Jun 26, 2016
      Alisha Jade likes this.
    9. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      the person who reported me was someone in my clan. now it hurts even more
      Jun 26, 2016
    10. Suchtryhard
      Clan? Clash of clans?
      Jun 26, 2016
      Alisha Jade likes this.
    11. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      in my pvp clan. LOL clash of clans
      Jun 26, 2016
    12. Suchtryhard
      What's it called?
      Jun 26, 2016
    13. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      Jun 26, 2016
    14. Suchtryhard
      How long did it take for you to come up with it?
      Jun 26, 2016
    15. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      its not even my clan lol tf
      Jun 26, 2016
    16. Maxamul
      Maybe that's why you haven't seen me in game.
      Jun 26, 2016
    17. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      I'm only banned off op pvp, so nope, that wouldn't be a big problem.
      Jun 26, 2016
    18. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      And if it would be a big problem, it'd say you only play op pvp... So IF you did only play op pvp and I couldn't see you in game, I'd recommend playing other game modes.
      Jun 26, 2016
    19. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      Wait what? Are you on the wrong profile... tF
      Jun 26, 2016