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  • Comments on Profile Post by notmenopedefinetelynotme

    1. kinsey_kid
      Could be that the text it too long, What is the link of the signature? or what is the signature?
      Jun 26, 2016
    2. notmenopedefinetelynotme
      The signature is a pic of deadpool
      Jun 26, 2016
    3. notmenopedefinetelynotme
      It's a meme of deadpool
      Jun 26, 2016
    4. kinsey_kid
      hmmm, What is the link? paste it here
      Jun 26, 2016
    5. notmenopedefinetelynotme
      Jun 26, 2016
    6. notmenopedefinetelynotme
    7. kinsey_kid
      Honestly not sure then :/ Possibly try downloading it and uploading it to imgur? that might fix it
      Jun 26, 2016
    8. kinsey_kid
      Sorry I wasnt much use, Usually its a quick fix but im not sure :/ Try messaging pile she may know why
      Jun 26, 2016