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  • Comments on Profile Post by baile y

    1. Shireen
      Thank you and yes, most British schools have school uniforms. :(
      Jun 24, 2016
    2. baile y
      baile y
      Ah, well at least you don't have to worry about what you wear ;)
      Jun 24, 2016
    3. Shireen
      Well sometimes at my school, people can be judgemental about your hair, face, smell, looks etc.. It's not really nice what others say about others
      Jun 24, 2016
      Ertuiop likes this.
    4. baile y
      baile y
      W0W.. my school doesn't rc
      Jun 24, 2016
    5. Shireen
      But then again I don't really care what people say about me at school, to be honest.
      Jun 24, 2016
    6. baile y
      baile y
      Thats good :)
      Jun 24, 2016
      Shireen likes this.
    7. Shireen
      It's just the boys really, but some other girls too
      Jun 24, 2016
    8. baile y
      baile y
      Oh my gosh yes, its always the boys. There are tons of times where this guy at my school pants other kids, makes fun, and once he even made fun of a girl's mom who had cancer, and like 2 weeks later she died.. for real.
      Jun 24, 2016
    9. Shireen
      Woah that's pretty deep
      Jun 24, 2016
    10. baile y
      baile y
      He didn't care tho ofc
      Jun 24, 2016
    11. Shireen
      That's horrible, sorry to hear
      Jun 24, 2016