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  • Comments on Profile Post by New Atlus

    1. VaMeSa123
      You can alway make you own :)
      Jul 17, 2014
    2. New Atlus
      New Atlus
      Yaa but mine suuuck
      Jul 17, 2014
    3. CourtCourt504q
      What kind of skin do you want? I could make you one it will look fab xD
      Jul 17, 2014
    4. New Atlus
      New Atlus
      :O you would do that for me? You such a nice friend :)
      I want a dude with black hair in a black suit and white shirt underneath. With no tie.
      Jul 17, 2014
    5. CourtCourt504q
      mkay it might look sucky so, beware
      Jul 17, 2014
    6. New Atlus
      New Atlus
      Gives you something to do while you're bored, at least.
      Jul 17, 2014
    7. CourtCourt504q
      Jul 17, 2014
    8. LaserDolphin77
      Naw, make a power ranger with a pedo bear head.
      Jul 17, 2014
    9. New Atlus
      New Atlus
      Except I'm not a pedo. xD
      Jul 17, 2014
    10. LaserDolphin77
      Fine make it for me
      Jul 17, 2014
    11. Bob Sheepert
      Bob Sheepert
      I don't like teenager skins either.
      Jul 17, 2014