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  • Comments on Profile Post by sircorgi

    1. Chain
      What does that mean?
      Jun 22, 2016
    2. sircorgi
      She's become more salty, or rude I guess.
      Jun 22, 2016
    3. Chain
      That doesn't mean she changed, it just means she doesn't like some particular individual(s) and acts differently towards them.
      Jun 22, 2016
      Queen likes this.
    4. sircorgi
      Eh, she's changed towards me, I mean. We used to be good friends, now it's like she ignores me sometimes.
      Jun 22, 2016
    5. Chain
      That doesn't mean she's changed, it just means her opinion of you has changed.
      Jun 22, 2016
    6. sircorgi
      Jun 22, 2016
    7. Queen
      I really don't mean to ignore you. I've changed, what can I say. I have become more full of myself, and I admit it. Reborn, please don't take any of my rude comments seriously, most of the time I am joking.
      Jun 22, 2016
    8. sircorgi
      I'm sorry to say this, if it does provoke you in any way, but I don't understand how arguing with me and to leave you alone, can be a joke on both perspectives.
      Jun 23, 2016
    9. Queen
      I said most of the time for a reason. And I don't recall arguing with you, I might be wrong. Please provide me with screenshots.
      Jun 23, 2016
    10. sircorgi
      I think they got deleted for flame or off-topic posts..

      I can say that it was about Jonah and how I said not to be so hard on him, etc etc etc.
      Jun 24, 2016
    11. Queen
      If I wanted you to leave me alone, that was it. I wanted to be left alone! Doesn't mean that have changed in anyway.
      Jun 24, 2016
    12. yoitsgabbie
      yea where is the old you the nicer you
      Jun 27, 2016
    13. Queen
      Still here. Like @Poseidon said, I have changed my opinion towards certain individuals.
      Jun 27, 2016