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  • Comments on Profile Post by New Atlus

    1. LaserDolphin77
      But you can spell atlas without a 'u', and it sounds the same c:
      Jul 17, 2014
    2. canucksfan44
      I will use dat when school starts again :D ( Imma get all dem ladies)
      Jul 17, 2014
    3. New Atlus
      New Atlus
      You be walkin' down the hall with a big white coat and when you're late you class, the Teachers don't care.
      Jul 17, 2014
    4. canucksfan44
      ^^^ I walked into class 7 minutes late once and my teacher just said welcome back XD
      Jul 17, 2014
    5. LaserDolphin77
      I walk into class late and they just tell me to sit down and shut up..
      Jul 17, 2014
    6. canucksfan44
      get rekt XD
      Jul 17, 2014
    7. New Atlus
      New Atlus
      my science teacher is a very nice person, but when the guy that she hates the most comes in late, she screams "NO. GET OUT. NOW." And he's holding a pass in his hand.
      Jul 17, 2014
    8. LaserDolphin77
      My science teacher just teases this one girl in my class while we're taking a test, and my friend and I (we sit next to each other) are just sitting there, tests done, laughing like mad men..
      Jul 17, 2014
    9. canucksfan44
      Jul 17, 2014
    10. New Atlus
      New Atlus
      My P.E. Teacher is kinda hypocritical. She's kinda obese and sits down all day. When she sees someone not doing anything, she yells at them to do something...
      Jul 17, 2014
    11. CourtCourt504q
      ^^^^^ my p.e teacher is the same way atlus. :/
      Jul 17, 2014