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  • Comments on Profile Post by FaZe Dox

    1. dera
      Which mod?
      Jun 21, 2016
    2. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      expose is gonna happen soon
      Jun 21, 2016
    3. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      gathering more info as we speak :))
      Jun 21, 2016
    4. Bananurz
      Lol. Sure, feel free to make a public hate thread and get yourself banned. I said that. The context was that mods took my tag color, lynch them; obviously a joke. I wish you luck though.
      Jun 23, 2016
    5. dera
      You think saying that type of stuff is funny? What if a mod took that seriously and actually did what you said. You're supposed to reinforce the rules, not be a normal player and break them.
      Jun 23, 2016
    6. Bananurz
      We are a little closer than you think. I wish you luck on exposing me for that however.
      Jun 23, 2016
      cuban, Jhow and Random like this.
    7. dera
      Just admit that you did something wrong for once. Don't try to prove the person wrong, be the bigger person and exclaim that you did it.
      Jun 23, 2016
    8. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      lynching isn't a joke. Many African-Americans were lynched. It is disgusting that you said that and now you're no even apologizing
      Jun 24, 2016
      Mega_ likes this.
    9. Dyna_Mighty
      Was this your big "exposed?" Something that has been laughed over in our staff chats? You guys don't realize how close we are. You were warned not to create hate threads/posts. If you have something to complain about the staff, do it the right way, in a staff report. This exposed crap is very childish and immature. But hey, if you want to be childish/immature and get yourself banned, be my guest.
      Jun 24, 2016
      Cotner, Bananurz and Random like this.
    10. Dyna_Mighty
      Ran out of room....Also, please keep in mind that you are only allowed so many warning points here on forums before a perm ban happens.
      Jun 24, 2016
      bless likes this.
    11. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      I dont find it as a joke. Not even remotely funny. Can @Nanurz just please say sorry? then this is all over.
      Jun 24, 2016
    12. Bananurz
      No. I won't say sorry.
      Jun 24, 2016
    13. Bananurz
      Ok bye.
      Jun 24, 2016
    14. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      Jun 24, 2016
    15. Syndicade
      Lol, edgy.
      Jun 25, 2016
    16. Syndicade
    17. Mega_
      @FaZe Dox 20 bucks says if a regular players says that they'd get banned. #Abuse
      Jul 3, 2016
      Bananurz likes this.
    18. Syndicade
      Lynch them
      Jul 3, 2016
    19. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      Jul 3, 2016