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  • Comments on Profile Post by Syndicade

    1. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      I am confused.
      Jun 20, 2016
    2. Syndicade
      36 kills and 12 deaths with the AWP sniper in csgo m8
      Jun 20, 2016
    3. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      wow I suck at sniper.

      On XBOX 1 I can trickshot once in 10 tries. (C.O.D. B03)
      Jun 20, 2016
    4. Syndicade
      Ew Bo3
      Jun 20, 2016
    5. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      BO3 is sushi compared to Call of Duty WORLD AT WAR! YEAH I SAW IT IN YOUR GAMES LIBRARY ON STEAM
      Jun 20, 2016
      Syndicade likes this.
    6. Syndicade
      YES AND BO1 on PS3 OML
      Jun 20, 2016
    7. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      I'VE NEVER HAD A PS3 BUT OK. Anyways, BO1 on the XBOX 360 is OKK. I have BO3 for Xbox 1 though.
      Jun 20, 2016
    8. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      The Xboxes aren't mine m8, I have a hella big family ;P
      Jun 20, 2016
    9. Syndicade
      BO3 is gey to be honest
      Jun 20, 2016
    10. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      I love how you can run up against walls & trickshots are MUCH easier.
      Jun 20, 2016
    11. Syndicade
      Csgo takes skill to be honest

      COD is eh
      Used to be good
      Jun 20, 2016
    12. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      Right?! I think they sold it, maybe not. I know Halo was sold & now it's coming out with a no-boots-on-ground game (like space) & I hate it.
      Jun 20, 2016
    13. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      The trailer has like 3mil dislikes.
      Jun 20, 2016
    14. Syndicade
      Lol yeah BF won
      Jun 20, 2016
    15. Stephen Curry
      Jun 20, 2016
    16. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      OH DUDE! They're coming out with an Assassin's Creed MOVIE!!!! COMING 12-21-16
      Jun 20, 2016
    17. Syndicade
      Battlefield 1 m8
      Jun 20, 2016
    18. Syndicade
      I seen the trailer and was like

      This song is ghey lol
      Jun 20, 2016
      Stephen Curry likes this.
    19. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      Ohhh. I have that game, but I completely forgot I had it...
      Jun 20, 2016
    20. Syndicade
      Wait what
      BF1 was just announced ?
      Jun 20, 2016
    21. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      Oh, I don't have bf1, I have bf3 & bf4 I think
      Jun 20, 2016