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  • Comments on Profile Post by MissUnknown

    1. Scorv
      Oh no worries MissUnknown, it's all good. And thanks :D

      It's been a while since we've talked, how have you been doing?
      Jun 17, 2016
    2. MissUnknown
      I've been doing alright, just really busy :P done 7 out of my 8 exams so after Tuesday I will have A LOT of free time :) you?
      Jun 17, 2016
    3. Scorv
      Its been good. I picked and scheduled my classes so I would have no exams this semester :D Been having fun driving my car as well. You doing anything over the summer?
      Jun 17, 2016
    4. MissUnknown
      Ah that sounds good! Wish I could do that haha.. And no not much, I have to have an operation and get some braces but other than that I'm going to be home all the time for the next 2 and a half months haha
      Jun 18, 2016