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  • Comments on Profile Post by verdenDeBoss

    1. ParanormalPizza
      Wait another 48 hours. It says when your ban time will expire after your ban message. The timezone for the date it says is also mentioned.
      Jun 15, 2016
    2. verdenDeBoss
      Why am i not unbanned i should be unbanned yeasterday
      Jun 21, 2016
    3. ParanormalPizza
      Just be patient
      Jun 21, 2016
    4. verdenDeBoss
      But it is over yeasterday i want to play!
      It is not my fault that the mods forgot to unban me!

      Please i just wan't to play now :(
      Jun 21, 2016
    5. verdenDeBoss
    6. ParanormalPizza
      That means you still have a week left on your ban I believe. Mods don't come on and do /unban (name) once a ban expires, the server unbans you automatically, that's how the command works.
      Jun 21, 2016
    7. verdenDeBoss
      Ok Thanks
      Jun 23, 2016