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  • Comments on Profile Post by Naturalality

    1. Kyaaaal
      Robby! Don't worry. It will be all normal soon enough.
      Jun 14, 2016
    2. Naturalality
      I'm trying to get back into Minecraft. But first, I need to get my Minecraft account back. Mojang support is asking for my address and crap...
      Jun 14, 2016
    3. Kyaaaal
      Yeah, they take major precaution. I couldn't get my account back either. Hence "TradeOffer".
      Jun 14, 2016
    4. Naturalality
      I just need the e-mail. I forgot it, but I had it saved on a computer which had its hard drive fried. It was a temporary e-mail I got from 10minutemail.com. I know the password, though.
      Jun 14, 2016
    5. Kyaaaal
      Best of luck getting it back!
      Jun 14, 2016
    6. Naturalality
      Well, thanks. I don't think the people at Mojang understand it's a temporary e-mail and it won't hurt anyone if they give it out since it's already deleted.
      Jun 14, 2016
    7. Naturalality
      Update: Apparently, to get the e-mail to login, I need to give the e-mail used to login. F***ing Mojang...
      Jun 15, 2016