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  • Comments on Profile Post by Titanicguy

    1. Kyaaaal
      Not saying you message farm, but you can't call out others on it either. Especially on "double posting" - It's allowed. There is no rule stating that it isn't. Triple posting, however, isn't allowed.
      Jun 14, 2016
    2. Titanicguy
      I called her out because she could've done it again.She started triple posting yesterday,and still did it despite me making a post on her profile.She stopped when I showed it on her thread.
      Jun 14, 2016
    3. Kyaaaal
      She stopped because she realised that she was in the wrong, and because she was on her mobile, which she also stated her reasoning behind why.
      Jun 14, 2016
    4. Titanicguy
      She only said that after I commented.
      Jun 14, 2016
    5. Kyaaaal
      Yes, this is because she wasn't sure that she was doing anything wrong.
      Jun 14, 2016
    6. Titanicguy
      And that's why I called it out.
      Jun 14, 2016
    7. Kyaaaal
      I'm not saying you were in the wrong for doing so.
      Jun 14, 2016
    8. Titanicguy
      But saying that I did it for the extra message...Smh.
      Jun 14, 2016
    9. Kyaaaal
      I'm saying that you could have messaged her profile or started a conversation with her. That is all.
      Jun 14, 2016
    10. Titanicguy
      I told you earlier that she stopped when I posted it on the thread,but not her profile.
      Jun 14, 2016
    11. Kyaaaal
      That's her own doing then, leave her to continue doing it. It's not hurting anyone but herself. (Hurting as a metaphor)
      Jun 14, 2016