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  • Comments on Profile Post by CourtCourt504q

    1. Bob Sheepert
      Bob Sheepert
      I love frozen...
      Jul 15, 2014
    2. ChloyyBear
      Let it go..let it go...throw away those awful thoughts..lol jk
      Jul 15, 2014
    3. Bob Sheepert
      Jul 15, 2014
    4. New Atlus
      New Atlus
      There's this annoying nerd in my school that everyone doesn't like. He constantly sings Let it Go to his crush, and claims he hates the song.
      Jul 16, 2014
    5. CourtCourt504q
      Jul 16, 2014
    6. Bob Sheepert
      Bob Sheepert
      You think he's a nerd, I just think he's a guy who's trying to hard. :/ Same thing maybe.
      Jul 16, 2014
    7. New Atlus
      New Atlus
      No, he's literally the only person that gets an A in geometry and the geometry teacher is MEAN.
      And yes, he does actually try very hard...
      Jul 16, 2014