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  • Comments on Profile Post by Teeeb

    1. Teeeb
      its sarcastic, and its a serious situation, i dont expect both of you two understand how serious it is since your from australia
      Jun 13, 2016
    2. Teeeb
      nonono joking about the top us mass shooting is more like 2 weeks he got lucky.
      Jun 13, 2016
    3. Bakes32
      So you think he deserved an Invalid ban? I’m sure a person who has been a moderator and currently has a mod application up, they should be able to see that there is no rule against what he said. As an aspiring mod I think you would be able to see this and possibly realize that there is nothing "Ban-able" in what he said.
      Jun 13, 2016
    4. Teeeb
      I am not a moderator am I? Oh look at you, you are Torch's little slave that just has to follow him around lol!! I've been a moderator, yes. We've banned people in the past for joking around about serious situation like that. There is something bannable jeez.
      Jun 13, 2016
    5. Bakes32
      I've never said you currently are a moderator, and its obvious why. But that is beside the point, there is no rule against what he said, he wasn't joking about the subject, the only thing that could have possibly gotten him in trouble was the fact he said "Prick" which if anything would get him a short mute. He simply questioning the safety of people in the area and hoping no one got hurt.
      Jun 13, 2016
    6. Bakes32
      Thats all I'm going to say on the topic, I'm tired of continually replying to your complaints aimed towards us Valixta.
      Jun 13, 2016
    7. xen
      as a former mod I don't believe the ban was invalid. maybe lengthy but not invalid.
      Jun 13, 2016
    8. Xethorias
      tf you weren't a mod, you don't have the staff member achievement.
      Jun 13, 2016
    9. Teeeb
      Carolyn and I were both former moderators.
      Jun 13, 2016
    10. xen
      i was actually, and not just on this server.
      Jun 14, 2016
      Teeeb likes this.
    11. ParanormalPizza
    12. Bananurz
      What is all the bull about the 'I hope none of you died' part? That is not what he said. Want proof? Here. https://gyazo.com/68a5c8148df90a0733f28d92ddc75ff3 - Pile, Dyna, and myself though this was disgusting. He should've gotten a longer ban. He was lucky. He can rant all he wants, he will not be unbanned until his time is up.
      Jun 16, 2016
    13. Bananurz
      Another alt created, yipppeeee!
      Jun 16, 2016
    14. sircorgi
      Nanurz, I am awfully sorry.

      "...and myself thought* this was disgusting"
      Jun 18, 2016
      Bananurz likes this.
    15. xen
      oh nvm, that's pretty messed up
      Jun 18, 2016
    16. Teeeb
      Jun 18, 2016
    17. Torch
      Jun 19, 2016
    18. Teeeb
      lol you're honestly sad af
      Jun 19, 2016
    19. Torch
      Thankyou Teeeb, I needed your hateful opinion on the matter.
      Jun 19, 2016
    20. sircorgi
      Are you honestly kidding me Torch?
      Jun 20, 2016
    21. Torch
      Kidding with what?
      Jun 20, 2016
    22. sircorgi
      You still ask why you were banned when you said such a degrading and rude comment. Your ban is so obvious, you just are too self-centred to see it
      Jun 20, 2016
      Xethorias likes this.