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  • Comments on Profile Post by Discdog1000

    1. sircorgi
      Join the cause!!
      Jun 12, 2016
    2. Discdog1000
      Jun 12, 2016
    3. sircorgi
      Simply change your name so that the word "Meme" is in it.

      I highly recommend "Memedog1000"
      Jun 12, 2016
    4. Discdog1000
      How do I change my name tho
      And I was gonna do that xD
      Jun 12, 2016
    5. sircorgi
      Go to "Personal Details" when you scroll over your name. There is this column of buttons/tabs on the left-hand side. Scroll down until you find "User name change".

      I think you should know what to do by then.
      Jun 12, 2016