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  • Comments on Profile Post by magicturtle16

    1. Arabic Bear
      Arabic Bear
      You are the one that needs to protect your account. We can't do anything. Change the password or email Mojang to tell them to disable your account.
      Jun 11, 2016
    2. magicturtle16
      :(... Someone changed my account details... its an alt
      Jun 11, 2016
    3. Arabic Bear
      Arabic Bear
      So email Mojang so they can disable it for a cetain period of time until you have it back.
      Jun 11, 2016
    4. magicturtle16
      i cant do that........... i bought the account off of Quroxy for 6k archer. worked for a week now account dets change. I have no written ownership of the ALT.

      life suxs.
      Jun 11, 2016
    5. Arabic Bear
      Arabic Bear
      That's why you should never buy accounts like that. Not really the best thing to do. You just got scammed 6k dude.
      Jun 11, 2016
    6. magicturtle16
      Jun 11, 2016