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  • Comments on Profile Post by Queen

    1. Rodeen
      You said in your video you had it red before, and during the summer blue. Go with what you want not what others tell you to do. Pretend you didn't read what I just wrote and go with blue, orange is ugly xD
      Jun 10, 2016
    2. Queen
      I'll see if I can get that dye. As if now, my grocery store only had orange, so I might go to a different one.
      Jun 10, 2016
    3. Rodeen
      Don't dye your hair, that's so bad! I would say since you're younge and adorable your hair still needs to get strong, which means KOOLAID DIP DYEEE they have tons of colors
      Jun 10, 2016
    4. GenyS
      Do blue and orange, simple...
      Jun 10, 2016
    5. Queen
      It's not that simple.
      Jun 10, 2016
    6. Wolfie
      Blue is a nice color. :D
      Jun 10, 2016
    7. Queen
      I just got blue. I'll start dying it now :)
      Jun 10, 2016
    8. Random
      I did blue last summer! Blue looks cool lol. Ima try purple this summer. (Maybe)
      Jun 10, 2016