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  • Comments on Profile Post by MrFishlips

    1. Andrewswj
      Good luck! Take care of your fishy friends!
      Jun 10, 2016
      MrFishlips likes this.
    2. Idy
      First wtf is that, and ew, but meat's so goooooddd
      Jun 10, 2016
    3. MrFishlips
      The 40 hour famine means that I can't eat for 24 hours. I also chose not to use devices for 24 hours :7 it starts in 1 hour tho
      Jun 10, 2016
    4. Idy
      Why the would you starve yourself -n-
      Jun 11, 2016
    5. Andrewswj
      It started already O.O FISH GO FOR IT!
      I think it's to empathise with those who go hungry.
      Jun 11, 2016
    6. Idy
      Still stupid, you shouldn't starve yourself no matter what.
      Jun 11, 2016