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  • Comments on Profile Post by Chain

    1. Ordi
      Yep... hate it
      Jun 8, 2016
    2. Chain
      I don't mind the reset.
      Jun 8, 2016
    3. Ordi
      truthly, I do. I've "wasted" 2 years of voting for this
      Jun 8, 2016
    4. Chain
      Not really. You enjoyed voting and advancing through the prestiges, so it wasn't for nothing.
      Jun 8, 2016
      Ordi likes this.
    5. Ordi
      Well first, I did enjoy it, and I feel like it was for nothing. The main reason I voted for this server is because to get higher and higher in prestiges, and become high enough (1k range). Anyways, I don't want to start a flame war, so I will stop replying back
      Jun 8, 2016
    6. Chain
      Aha this would be on the low scale of the flamometer.
      Jun 8, 2016