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  • Comments on Profile Post by Rodeen

    1. jalyn
      Are you really cool with @Herf now? PM me if you would like to discuss this. I do not want this discussion on my profile.
      Jun 8, 2016
    2. GreasyBandage
      @Rodeen , Idk, I think people can relate to being a victim of bullying so they pretty much hate those who bully others than those who cheat. I mean, hackers hack to be better than others. You, you bully Herf to have a twisted personal gain out of it.
      Jun 8, 2016
      Insolar likes this.
    3. Herf
      We never really talked but I'm pretty sure we agreed to put this stuff behind us.
      Jun 8, 2016
      GreasyBandage likes this.
    4. Syndicade
      Jun 8, 2016
      Ertuiop likes this.