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  • Comments on Profile Post by Chain

    1. Kyaaaal
      I missed so many times because I kept hitting the fence. In order for me to actually hit you I had to place my cursor just on top of the small black outline that shows on entities. Due to my high sensitivity I struggled to get it there and keep it there.
      Jun 6, 2016
    2. Chain
      Him*? I set my sensitivity in game on maximum and the same for my actual mouse settings.
      Jun 6, 2016
    3. Kyaaaal
      My sensitivity is on 115% but I have recently changed my DPI to the setting which was one higher than it previously was. I think I'm better at Pvp with it.
      Jun 6, 2016
    4. Jhow
      I went in game and tested it. It was difficult to hit the player but still possible.
      Jun 6, 2016
    5. Chain
      You guys misunderstand, I do not believe Kyle was hacking, I was just pointing out the fact that Wolfie reported you probably unaware that it was you. :P
      Jun 6, 2016
    6. Kyaaaal
      I know that. My first reply on here was directed towards Wolfie when he finally reads this.
      Jun 6, 2016
    7. Chain
      Ah okay. xP
      Jun 6, 2016