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  • Comments on Profile Post by UncleUrnesto

    1. LuckyGuy710
      Jun 5, 2016
      Jun 5, 2016
    3. Chain
      Define "stupid things" and give me an example of how moderators act badly.
      Jun 5, 2016
    4. LuckyGuy710
      you can get banned for kill aura for outhiting a mod in pvp. threatening to ddos urself. and more
      Jun 5, 2016
    5. Chain
      Who has been banned by a moderator for outhitting? And you don't have to threaten to DDoS yourself.
      Jun 5, 2016
    6. LuckyGuy710
      ive been banned for outhitting cotner on oppvp. and one of my friends got banned for saying "ima ddos you (his own ign)"
      Jun 5, 2016
    7. Flazer
      Maybe if they didn't say something so close to a DDoS threat where it's so easy for the mods to misinterpret their message and ban them, they won't get banned.
      Jun 6, 2016
    8. Chain
      What kind of person threatens to ddos themselves knowing they'll get banned?
      Jun 6, 2016
    9. LuckyGuy710
      maybe if the moderators were not butthurt and grew up people wouldnt be banned for retarded reasons
      Jun 6, 2016
    10. Chain
      It's not a retarded reason, the moderators are just following the rules, ddos threats are a two week ban. If a moderator didn't ban someone who threatened to ddos themselves then that moderator could be reported and demoted, so if you have a problem at all it's with the rule book not the moderators.
      Jun 6, 2016
    11. LuckyGuy710
      did i ask for your opinion? No.
      Jun 6, 2016
    12. Chain
      Do I care? No. I can state my opinion if I feel like it, you can try report it but you'd be wasting your time.
      Jun 6, 2016
    13. LuckyGuy710
      Chain it seems like you do, you keep responding trying to feed your ego.
      Jun 6, 2016
    14. Chain
      So now this is all about me? Nice way to completely stray off what we were talking about.
      Jun 6, 2016
    15. LuckyGuy710
      you're the one that got triggered over me not asking for your opinion lol. go back to tumblr
      Jun 6, 2016
    16. Chain
      I only state the truth, if that gets you triggered than too bad.
      Jun 6, 2016
    17. LuckyGuy710
      I'll be the more mature one and let you have your fun :D
      Bye bye
      Jun 6, 2016
    18. Flazer