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  • Comments on Profile Post by Vaxirus

    1. TheSugarCane
      Jun 6, 2016
    2. Vaxirus
      I miss Skyblock forums. :/
      Jun 6, 2016
    3. TheSugarCane
      Maybe you shouldn't have got banned then. xD
      Jun 7, 2016
    4. Vaxirus
      Well, all I did was call @Krissy a liar
      Jun 10, 2016
    5. Vaxirus
      It was the god damn truth.
      I can provide screenshots of her lying if you want
      Jun 10, 2016
    6. Krissy
      You were banned by noc, not me. It was all your own fault. It has always been your fault every time you were punished. Take responsibility for your own actions instead of blaming everyone else.
      Jun 10, 2016
      TheSugarCane likes this.
    7. Krissy
      You even blame your irl stuff for it. If you didnt harass me, if you didnt talk crap about our admin, if you didnt start ranting and raving and being perverted you would still be around on the forums. You are the one who lies. People don't get banned for calling me a liar or Findme would have been banned a year ago. Now stop tagging me and leave me alone.
      Jun 10, 2016
      TheSugarCane likes this.
    8. TheSugarCane
      But you used to be such a good player, Vax. What happened to you? ;-; You were so kind and sweet to everyone but now you're quite rude to some people and you're quite salty over a ban that was your fault. You were saying stuff all the time to get some kind of reaction and you ended up being banned because of it.
      Jun 10, 2016
    9. Vaxirus
      Jun 12, 2016
    10. Vaxirus
      All part of the plan
      Jun 12, 2016
    11. Vaxirus
      So, it's Noc right? Dankie
      Jun 12, 2016
    12. Vaxirus
      What if I call u fat? :/
      Jun 12, 2016
    13. Krissy
      There was no plan. You were an exceptional person that was respectful and kind. And people actually liked you. Then you decided to do the whole staff hating gig and wind up taking it too far, like you keep doing. I have a tiny bit of hope that you will actually go back to being a better person but thats on you. Because the way you are now, you will lose everyone.
      Jun 12, 2016