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  • Comments on Profile Post by YoShadow

    1. YoShadow
      Now at the moment Herf and I have no beef but that's not going to stop be from stating my honest opinion on him. I think that he has been in the wrong before and everyone was just like, eh.
      Jun 5, 2016
    2. jalyn
      Carter. Rodeen is wrong here. She has attacked more than Herf. And PM me if you want proof.
      Jun 5, 2016
    3. YoShadow
      But, if Rodeen has done something like she has in the past everyone freaks out because we all think she's just the perfect, innocent person. That's never the case for anyone, no one is perfect, not everyone is in the right. I'm not saying it's right to make fun of someone but I do it all the time so I really don't care.
      Jun 5, 2016
    4. YoShadow
      Don't think I'm targeting you just putting it on your profile because you seem to be in the middle of it, luv u pce.
      Jun 5, 2016
    5. jalyn
      k :P
      Jun 5, 2016
      YoShadow likes this.
    6. Syndicade
      Good man.
      Jun 5, 2016