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  • Comments on Profile Post by Xethorias

    1. Exponent_
      Hi baby.
      Jun 5, 2016
    2. Xethorias
      hru bb
      Jun 5, 2016
    3. Exponent_
      I've been inactive lately and coming back to all this drama about Mafia is not welcoming.
      Jun 5, 2016
    4. Xethorias
      I saw what happened with Sour and Rodeen. Rodeen is now 31d banned I believe. So is Dann.
      Jun 5, 2016
    5. Exponent_
      I saw that. That's not my concern though. I'll be putting up a thread later today clarifying a few things.
      Jun 5, 2016
    6. Xethorias
      I might rejoin M@fia. I really don't know because of Zero. He really scares me.
      Jun 5, 2016
    7. Exponent_
      He's a nice guy with good intentions. I out of all people should he scared of him but I'm not. He hated Sam threatening to steal his account and now they talk all day. My convictions for the team are coming true.
      Jun 5, 2016
    8. Xethorias
      He threatened to steal my acc. How is that good intentions?
      Jun 5, 2016
    9. Exponent_
      That's just how he is but he won't actually do it unless you give him a reason to.
      Jun 5, 2016