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  • Comments on Profile Post by RachetSenpai

    1. ZaMpAgE
      Hello :D I haven't seen you in like 6 days :D

      I'm back :D
      Jan 11, 2014
    2. RachetSenpai
      Haha I really been busy thats why.
      Jan 11, 2014
    3. ZaMpAgE
      Oh haha....

      Jan 11, 2014
    4. RachetSenpai
      Well, I'm coming on the server now anyway :D
      Jan 11, 2014
    5. ZaMpAgE
      I can't go on the server yet because I have to go to church D: but I'll play with you in like 3 hours or 2 :)
      Jan 11, 2014
    6. RachetSenpai
      Jan 11, 2014
    7. ZaMpAgE
      See ya in 3 hours :D

      But what server are you playing now?

      I was actually playing on a different server not mineverse. I'll tell you in a convo :)
      Jan 11, 2014