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  • Comments on Profile Post by Winnfield

    1. magicturtle16
      Jun 4, 2016
      Winnfield likes this.
    2. Winnfield
      Actually, no I don't.
      It's weird how you make friends, over the course of years - and within seconds they can betray you over something as simple as a computer. Amazing.
      Jun 5, 2016
    3. magicturtle16
      Jun 5, 2016
    4. magicturtle16
      u just annoy me. And btw, should i ban you for logging?
      Jun 5, 2016
    5. Winnfield
      I annoy you? What did I do? We were friends, I thought.
      Jun 5, 2016
    6. Winnfield
      Anyway, I have known you too long - I am not going to start hating on you over this, I will remain your friend, even if you wont.
      Jun 5, 2016
    7. magicturtle16
      Elliot can you help me out? Do you have any alternate accounts i can buy or borrow for in game currency? my friends have some money. i have been off since April.
      Aug 15, 2016
    8. Winnfield
      Yeah, I have a couple.
      You can't have any of them like. Or even borrow one.
      In fact, I'll do my best to ensure your alts stay as FARRR away as possible to you ;)
      Aug 15, 2016
    9. magicturtle16
      ????? Are you joking or are u just mean??? U could have just said no thanks.....
      Aug 15, 2016
    10. magicturtle16
      If you know anyone that can give me alts let me know. i miss this server...... SO MANY FRIENDS GONE
      Aug 15, 2016
    11. Winnfield
      No, I just don't very much like you. So yes, my intentions were to be "mean". :p
      Aug 15, 2016
    12. magicturtle16
      u still joking? xD I have been off this server since aPril and im sad.. miss everyone.
      Aug 15, 2016
    13. magicturtle16
      what't not to like other that i tried to backstab u when i had an account? xD lol
      Aug 15, 2016
    14. Winnfield
      Yeah - you did.
      All the 1 year of friendship we had built, literally vanished that day.
      Aug 15, 2016
    15. magicturtle16
      confused. i look at the msg where u said " I will remain your friend, even if you wont." What happened to that :/
      Aug 15, 2016
    16. magicturtle16
      its still there :)................. u said it and now i say it.
      Aug 15, 2016
    17. Winnfield
      We used to be good friends - I just didn't understand the backstab, or why....
      Aug 15, 2016
    18. magicturtle16
      well i think u killed my friend so i got a little too angry.. :(
      Aug 15, 2016
    19. magicturtle16
      i apologize for that......
      Aug 15, 2016
    20. Winnfield
      I didn't touch you or your friend? Lmao.
      I'm not THAT mad you stabbed me in the back, I'm mad you couldn't do it yourself, you had to 3v1 me with special arrows...
      Aug 15, 2016
    21. magicturtle16
      Well u did. he was new to the server..... but u did LOG when i got my other friends to kill you. So i guess im mad at you now for that...
      Aug 15, 2016
    22. Winnfield
      Aha, you said it.
      "Got your friends to kill me", why should I even Think about helping you - if you're just going to stab people in the back again. Lmao.
      Aug 16, 2016
    23. magicturtle16
      No need. Im back. Watch out in archerpvp
      Aug 16, 2016
    24. Winnfield
      What, for you? You're so easy to kill on that game, if it wasn't for your 3v1, I would have EASILY got you - Archer isn't my home anymore. You won't see me ;)
      What's your new IGN, so I can pass it on to my friends who do play :D
      Aug 16, 2016