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  • Comments on Profile Post by no hablo Inglés

    1. no hablo Inglés
      no hablo Inglés
      top kek i bet u never lift weight lol u so funny
      Jun 1, 2016
    2. Sam
      Meanwhile, I play 3 sports a year, can spell better than you, can use grammar properly and I'm not a hypocrite such as you.
      Good day "Sir"
      Jun 1, 2016
      Random likes this.
    3. no hablo Inglés
      no hablo Inglés
      lol ur so funny. u only play 3 sports? thats nothing i play over 10 top kek haha i also go to the gym and do 500pupships and 800 situps daily
      Jun 1, 2016
    4. Random
      Jun 1, 2016
    5. Sam
      Cause I'm sure you have time to go to school while you sit there thinking up your lies.
      Jun 1, 2016
    6. no hablo Inglés
      no hablo Inglés
      i dont go to school haha top kek ur so funny. i go to college haha i can knock u out easy haha lol
      Jun 1, 2016
    7. Sam
      "Member" Age, 14
      Also, if you went to college, I'm sure you'd know how to use grammar.
      Jun 1, 2016
    8. no hablo Inglés
      no hablo Inglés
      u know why it says 14? its becuz my wifi got ddosd when i made this account haha jokes on u top kek i can knock u out easy lift some weight haha
      Jun 1, 2016
    9. Sam
      I lift weights to practice for sports. Perhaps you should lift some grammar books, since I doubt at this point you can read them. Also, that's not how ddosing works.
      Anyways, I think I'm done talking to inferior lifeforms for today
      Jun 1, 2016
      Ertuiop likes this.