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  • Comments on Profile Post by Suchtryhard

    1. Chain
      Once Mineverse is off the blacklist. And whilst there are many moderator applications, only few people are plausible candidates.
      Jun 1, 2016
    2. Suchtryhard
      Mineverse is on the blacklist? That's new.
      Jun 1, 2016
    3. Scorv
      Been that way for a few months now...

      There have always been lots of mod apps, half of them were recently archived..............
      Jun 1, 2016
    4. Suchtryhard
      So Noobcrew is getting Mt and mv off the blacklist? That's going to be tough..
      Jun 1, 2016
    5. Scorv
      He's a ninja, don't worry
      Jun 1, 2016