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  • Comments on Profile Post by Kenju

    1. Swift
      Who and why?
      May 31, 2016
    2. Ant_Pearl
      You're report on kenji for spec blocking the hacker, @Pile_of_Butts went out of her way to tell @cheetahswimmer to ban him from lobby. Both of them are pathetic, the mineverse staff is pathetic. This is who we're focused on banning? Really? The guy reporting hackers. MIneverse is sad.
      May 31, 2016
    3. Swift
      It's @Pile * I don't see how this makes them pathetic though. Why did he get banned though, the report was denied..
      May 31, 2016
    4. Kenju
      exactly IT WAS FREAKING DENIED... but cheetah got mad at me so she had to think of any reason to ban me. so this was her chance! This is the "mature" mods that people have running the server now. and people wonder why i no support 11 year olds who want to be mod .-.
      May 31, 2016
    5. Ant_Pearl
      Because @Pile goes out of her way to look through the reports and tell @cheetahswimmer to ban him for it. Why are we focused on this? The staff team doesn't understand that following the rules is different than doing whats right. You'd think a 40 year old woman would know, but then again she still plays minecraft with a bunch of 13 year old girls so how smart can she be.
      May 31, 2016
    6. Kenju
      im not surprised tho considering saying "stfu" is worth a perm ban now .-.
      May 31, 2016
    7. Swift
      May 31, 2016
    8. Kenju
      probably not lol. @Ant_Pearl told @cheetahswimmer to "stfu" cuz she was accusing him of hacking and ant said "stfu" then he got kicked and it said "you have been perm banned" but then came back a day later lol
      May 31, 2016
    9. Swift
      Well you just told her, so if she reads this.. Possibly rip ant
      May 31, 2016
    10. Swift
      May 31, 2016
    11. Kenju
      whats the point in appealing? the mod that banned me will reject it LOL
      May 31, 2016
    12. Swift
      well, how did you find out that information then?
      May 31, 2016
    13. Kenju
      what that she banned me for no reason? well one i recorded a video with her in it, and i got spec blocked and died and lost. and cheetah's pet friend thing whatever , says LOL and i said well you know spec blocking is bannable ;3. since i said that to cheatah's friend and cheetah was mad at me, she said "oh yeah i have to ban kenji now"
      like WTF?
      May 31, 2016
      Swift likes this.
    14. Kenju
      i made a report to get her demoted for being immature and a straight up , and she told me there too so.
      May 31, 2016
    15. Kenju
      ive played with her countless times and only when she's arguing with me does she "remember to ban Kenji" XD
      May 31, 2016
      Swift likes this.