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  • Comments on Profile Post by YoShadow

    1. Swift
      Graduation for what, you're in 10th grade ey! You'll see em next year
      May 31, 2016
    2. YoShadow
      They graduated high school. I planned on going to their graduation, I thought it was next weekend ):
      May 31, 2016
    3. Swift
      Oh, that sucks :(
      May 31, 2016
    4. YoShadow
      Maybe I'll see some tomorrow if they stop by
      May 31, 2016
    5. emxly_x
      Jesus.. thats kind've sad honestly
      May 31, 2016
    6. elrak
      that's a bit depressing
      May 31, 2016
    7. YoShadow
      Yeah );
      May 31, 2016
    8. Dann
      that sucks jeez
      May 31, 2016
    9. YoShadow
      May 31, 2016
    10. YoShadow
      That's relevant how lol
      May 31, 2016
    11. Dann
      nike should sponsor you
      May 31, 2016
    12. jezz
      Jun 1, 2016
    13. Scorv
      Maybe if you stopped playing minecraft so much, you wouldn't miss out on things in life like graduation. :p

      Just a suggestion.
      Jun 16, 2016
    14. YoShadow
      @Scorvix Judgemental much? I was confused on the dates first of all, don't pretend like you have me figured out? Foh. Maybe don't assume I only play minecraft because I'm rarely on a computer to begin with now.

      Just a suggestion.
      Jun 16, 2016
      Swift likes this.
    15. YoShadow
      Oh, another suggestion. Read all the comments before you make some idiotic post.

      Just a suggestion.
      Jun 16, 2016
      Swift likes this.
    16. Scorv
      Lol, someone can't take a joke xD
      Jun 16, 2016
    17. Scorv
      Oh, there's this thing called sarcasm, I suggest you learn what it is.

      Just a suggestion. ;)
      Jun 16, 2016
    18. YoShadow
      Not my fault you can't handle getting talked bad to. You clearly didn't mean it to be "sarcastic" but you say you did because you don't know any other way to defend yourself.
      Jun 16, 2016
      Swift likes this.
    19. Swift
      Man YoShadow, on a roll, keep em roasting.
      Jun 16, 2016
      YoShadow likes this.
    20. Scorv
      All I said is that it was sarcasm, and you get all worked up. Most people know that I often act and talk sarcastically, I just assumed you knew as well. But I'm sorry for thinking you knew better, I just thought you were a guy of dignity who would just brush it off when you heard me say it was sarcastic, as it was not meant as an insult.
      Jun 16, 2016
    21. Scorv
      Even if it was meant as an insult, it was very childish of you to blow up dye to the severity of the insult. If you get tipped off that easily, I would suggest you see a therapist. Although of course, it's none of my concern to meddle with your life problems.
      Jun 16, 2016
    22. Scorv
      Btw, turning around someone's statement in an argument is what little kids do. You should broaden your comebacks, so you're not stuck with childish comebacks.
      Jun 16, 2016
    23. YoShadow
      Most people know you're sarcastic? I don't even know you to begin with. And, in some how childish? Says the person whose bringing Irl things into a website? Oh man, that sure is relevant. Where are my childish come backs again? It's not my fault you don't know what a demeanor is you fool. There's no "comebacks" in my reply's. Only facts. Again, please learn how to read.
      Jun 17, 2016
    24. YoShadow
      Oh yes, I'm so childish but only a child them self would bring up the unrelevant topic of age. Seems legit.
      Jun 17, 2016
    25. YoShadow
      I'm childish for replying to some smart ? It was childish of you to even comment to begin with, I don't know if you can read but do you see how long ago that post was? And you have the nerve to come and comment? Oh yeah, very childish of me.
      Jun 17, 2016
    26. YoShadow
      A guy of dignity? What dignity do I need online. That's so irrelevant. If you actually thought you knew me you would know I love to argue, so you're feeding me. Keep replying. I love every second of it. "Childish" lmao.
      Jun 17, 2016
    27. YoShadow
      Isn't sarcasm something a childish person would use?
      Jun 17, 2016
    28. Scorv
      Lol, I was right. You do spend too much time on minecraft. And with your sentence structure, I couldn't even understand what any of those sentences were suppose to mean. Looked liked you just threw words together and hoped it made sense.

      I can't believe I made you this upset it was just one little comment xDDDDD
      Jun 17, 2016
    29. YoShadow
      Upset? Sentence structure? You must be slow, again can you read? Look at the date of this post. Look how I said that I like to argue. It's funny how you completely disregard the things I say because you know it's true. You're honestly stupid.
      Jun 17, 2016
      Swift likes this.
    30. YoShadow
      I haven't played minecraft as much as I used too since I got my licenses. Stop thinking you have me figured out lol.
      Jun 17, 2016
      Swift likes this.
    31. YoShadow
      I play minecraft just as often as @Exponent_ does.
      Jun 17, 2016