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  • Comments on Profile Post by Rodeen

    1. DinoDuck
      Excuse me? I can't what 'till you get mod sweetie! <3
      May 30, 2016
    2. Rodeen
      Oh I'm not applying
      May 30, 2016
    3. DinoDuck
      Awe. :( I had a lot of hope into you! :(
      May 30, 2016
    4. Rodeen
      I lost all that hope in myself! I don't think i'm going to reopen my application for a long time, I want to make sure i'm going to be committed and be good all the time. Not good one day and bad the next.
      May 30, 2016
    5. DinoDuck
      I understand, I'll be sure to support you if you make a new one.
      May 30, 2016
    6. Calli
      There won't be any promotions until Mineverse is off the Blacklist, stated by Nanurz.
      May 31, 2016
    7. DinoDuck
      Yeah, Tads told me yesterday.
      May 31, 2016