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  • Comments on Profile Post by AmericanPost/ Pxtch

    1. Foils ;>
      Foils ;>
      idk who u are lol i was not on today
      May 28, 2016
    2. ImJustAndrew
      I'm pretty sure @Foils has people who have access to his account? I could be wrong >.<
      May 28, 2016
      Foils ;> likes this.
    3. ReaperPvPz
      ... "Makes me wonder if you're scared" bruh you are one of the worst on the server.
      Jul 2, 2016
    4. AmericanPost/ Pxtch
      AmericanPost/ Pxtch
      LOL Reaper, you're starting shiz here..
      Jul 2, 2016